I have my optimism because I have my form of faith, I restore my faith routinely.
Todays Prompt 🌀
Engage with or reflect upon something that restores your optimism. Take note of this feeling and consider how to bring this into your routine more often.
Journaling is a faith restoring ritual. Dancing is a faith restoring ritual. Singing is a faith restoring ritual. Believing and knowing that these actions benefit my heart and mind brings me back right back to my center. For today's #JournalPromptJanuary now that I've shared mine, what are yours?
Through this practice I can:
-Allow myself to speak fully & authentically
-Nurture my inner child,
-Self-soothe, self regulate
-Discover my own intuition
-Connect with my inner guidance
-Foster accountability
The benefits come with dedication, so I’m hoping to make them more attainable through#JournalJanuary! I’ll be here providing prompts daily hoping to inspire you to pick up a pen. _ Keep up with #JounralPromptJanuary on my instagram @sierraspeaksllc