Upholding the level of peace I desire within my environment starts within.

Day 3! I pulled this card at @papersource and it resonated. Upholding the level of peace I desire within my environment starts within. I’ve learned I can’t overextend or pretend to be my clover like self when I’m not my most balanced. Cultivating inner peace is essential to playing peace maker.
Todays Prompt 🌀
A lucky life is a balanced life, Where can you play peacemaker inside? - @sierraspeaksllc
For those of us wanting to incorporate a reflective practice into their daily life, I’ve always loved journaling!! My journals has joined me down many emotional rollercoasters and in hindsight invited in wisdom along the way.
Through this practice I can:
-Allow myself to speak fully & authentically
-Nurture my inner child,
-Self-soothe, self regulate
-Discover my own intuition
-Connect with my inner guidance
-Foster accountability
The benefits come with dedication, so I’m hoping to make them more attainable through#JournalJanuary! I’ll be here providing prompts daily hoping to inspire you to pick up a pen. .
Keep up with JounralPromptJanuary on my instagram @sierraspeaksllc (#sierraspeaks #journaling #mentalhealthawareness #JournalPromptJanuary #JournalJanuary )